Classical Works Vol. 1 - (2017)


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Growing up, I listened to a lot of classical music courtesy of my dad; Classic FM was the radio station of choice in the car, and Ludovico Einaudi’s piano pieces were a particular favourite. I began piano lessons at age 8, which continued until I was 16 so I’ve always had a basis in classical music, despite branching out into progressive rock, metal and electronic music with my listening tastes. This album is somewhat of a compilation of classical works, Piano Moods #1-3 are pieces I wrote to be used in a short film, directed by a friend for his university project, I used String Quartet #1 as part of my A-Level composition pieces, although I did rework it for inclusion on this album, and Triptych Movements 1-3 is a reworking of some old pieces which I wrote around 2010.

As much as I enjoy writing electronic and modern pieces, there’s a certain comfort in the rules and sound of classical music and certainly a few styles to choose from within the genre. My dad particularly enjoys listening to organ music, in addition to being able to play the instrument himself - Fugue #1 was an organ piece which I wrote for him on his 60th birthday in 2014 although I had to exclude some parts of the piece which I had lifted from the prog rock band Focus as they’re a shared favourite of ours.

Whilst not the most popular of my albums, or genres in general thesedays, Classical Works Volume 1 shows that I’m able to write in many styles and provided a different compositional challenge. It’s a continuing series of albums and provides music which can accompany study, or focused activities and hopefully puts me alongside some of my favourite classical composers in adding to the ever continuing fabric of chamber and orchestral music.