Thirty (2022)


Stream on Spotify Stream on Youtube Stream on Bandcamp

I first had the idea to write an album in a limited amount of time in 2018, with XXIV - an album written in 24 hours. As much of a challenge as this was, I enjoyed the pressure of a time limit and one of the tracks was expanded in 2020 for The Big Beat Manifesto.

This year I felt that I wanted to do something similar, first considering another 24 hour album, but quickly deciding that an album written within a month would be an interesting concept. As I turned 30 this year, and because writing 30 tracks is easier than writing 31, I chose September as the ideal month to undertake such a task.

With additional time to polish and mix tracks, I feel like Thirty is the ideal mix of writing music with a time limit and being able to fully express my ideas and mix them to a more polished standard. I’m currently in the process of a final mix before the album is uploaded to Spotify but you can still listen through my bandcamp.

Long-time collaborator Jack Rowland features on one of the album tracks, ‘On The Road’ where he provides his unique style of improvised piano, to which I added drums and a bassline for a funky, driving anthem.

The penultimate track, ‘Le Mirage Cosmique’ is a vision of things to come - a new album and new acid loops bass project which is on the way. The overall style of the album is varied and reflects my styles past and present.


Thirty - (Teaser Trailer)

Before making the album I put out a video with information on what I was about to do. Once everything was announced there was no backing out from the project!


Thirty - (Album Release Stream)

A full listen through of the album on release with extra commentary and insight on the writing process and album as a whole.