The Big Beat Manifesto

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The Big Beat Manifesto

Inspired by films, television and video games as well as many forms of electronic music, The Big Beat Manifesto is a dancey, high energy album featuring many samples and styles. Taking note from The Prodigy, Pendulum, Hideki Naganuma and other various acts, mixed with my own unique style of music composition, I aim to bring together the worlds of visual media, music and cult movie fandom.

Check below for track videos from the album or stream it on Spotify or Youtube.

Find the Big Beat Manifesto bandcamp page here

Underdog Strut - The Big Beat Manifesto (Video)

Got The Message? - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

Action Replay - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

The Big Beat Manifesto - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

Beats Of Rage - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

One For The Road - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

Big Beat Interlude - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

Imagination - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

Over The Top - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)

Natural Born Underachiever - The Big Beat Manifesto (Official Video)


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